• Kruger Investment Celebrated 90-Years In Business On June 24, 2024

Renowned Tech Trial Attorney

Fay E. Morisseau

Discusses Decades Of Investing With The Kruger Family

Nancy Kruger Morisseau

Discusses The Importance Of Getting A Financial Education - A Self Education

Our Amazing Harpist

She came for our 75th Year Anniversary back in 2008 and she returned to play once again for our 90th Year Anniversary.

Mr. Ipaye

An Amazing Immigrant from Nigeria to the United States Shares His Story.

Our Offices

Since 1934, Same Location - In The Hightower Building

A Tribute To

Al Kruger

Speech by Jim Kruger

Kruger Investment Company was started in 1934--- right here at the Hightower building in the middle of The Great depression.

My grandfather, grandmother, and great-grandfather pooled their savings together because they had a vision. They saw People Struggling and their vision was a way to help people.

They saw something glaring at them: There were many people who had worked hard, played by the rules - and couldn't catch a break with the bank to get a loan to fix or replace their junkie old car, drafty old house with a leaky roof, or even feed and clothe their kids.

So Kruger Investment started-out making very small loans to these kinds of folks for their necessities. Later they began specializing in income producing properties. These same struggling people now had a way where they could create their own wealth--- instead of going hat in hand to a boss or to a banker.

They also made loans to people with less than perfect credit, or who had had a business reversal, or two, or were being discriminated against because of their race. Many were people with a vision but just needed to get that first break and then they could create such great things and now many of them are doing just that--- and more!

And it all started back here in 1934. We started out to help people and 90 years later we're still helping people and so much more to come. 

So tonight, we want to thank all our customers, employees, and family for contributing to our success and coming today to help us celebrate!